This is Sidney His Buddy. We are waiting for him to get old enough to move to Skoog Farm, and while he is doing that....Seymour the Tiger was invited to spend a week over at his place on Park Ave. That way he will have company and a good social life (7 kittens approaching 6 weeks old).

He is loving his vacation...Pam sent these photos.

Doesn't he look huge next to the other kittens? The vet thinks he is at least 3 months old.

How could anyone dump him (and two others) in a field...especially when it was over 90 degrees and muggy. It's a good thing Barb found and placed them.

It's going to take awhile for Sidney to catch up with him, but at least they will have each other.

Sweet Dreams!
What a great set of pictures! Kittens are just so unbelievably cute!
I am a huge fan of black and white kitties! Well, actually of all kitties - thanks for the pictures!
I don't know why, but I just have this feeling that Seymour is going to be a real character.
I am grabbing some time sitting at home...but soon will be on my mare again!
That little kitten is tiny! I am so happy you will be adopting...we have missed Elsie sooo will not be too long before we have to love on a cat/kitten again!
I like you new look here...neat panoramic!
Ahhh... so cute! They will grow up to be best buddies.
So good she found them. They are really cute.
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