A beautiful day...not too hot... a little breeze. Into the regular Monday morning groove. Took my time with chores...very relaxing.
When we got in the house, Gucci picked this bed....

and Phoebe sacked out on the couch.

Did a little laundry and after lunch went over to Apple Creek Farm to mow the lawn.
Louise had some amazing flowers in her garden.

Lots of drama in the sky.

Picked up a few things at Weggies on the way home and took it easy for a little while before going out to do evening chores.
After I fed the horses and set up the stalls for the night, I brought Abbe into the grooming room and soaked her leg. She was very cooperative and almost fell asleep in front of the fan while I was brushing her. I believe the swelling went down slightly and don't think it's a bow. It's squishy.

Afterward I put on a dry wrap for support and will see how she is in the morning.

Fortunately it started to cool down a bit. We have more hot weather on the way...maybe some rain first.

I had a lot of fruit around and decided to make cottage cheese and fruit plates for dinner. Judy brought us some mangos from her trees (in Florida).

We had mixed field greens, cottage cheese, grapes, blueberries, blackberries, mangoes and bananas. A perfect meal for a summer night.

I could really get into these shorter posts....a piece of cake.
Night all.
Lovely day! Hope Abbe is doing much better. She looks so content standing there soaking her leg. Wonderful photos.
Short but sweet. Another lovely day in the Skoog household.
So good to hear that Abbe is improving.
I have lilly envy!
Hi Lori. My favourite fruit, mangoes. Bar, of course, apples.
Cheers, Mike.
Hope Abbe is feeling better quickly. I love that Gucci and Phoebe are so tired from your chores they had to take a nap.
The sky picture is stunning. Love the lilies too they are gorgeous.
Your dinner looks healthful and delicious, it's perfect for this weather.
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