What a difference a day makes! A gorgeous morning... bright and not too hot. Barb and Gary helped me with morning chores so it did not take very long to finish things up. Check out the height of the corn in the field next to the pasture. Knee high by the 4th of July....it's about 6 feet tall!
The hostas Gary planted next to the barn have really matured...they must be about 4 years old.

I knew I had to get a shot of this sunflower, so I ended up in the veggie garden.

Some peppers are ready to be picked...

No sign of any eggplant yet.

Started the cucumbers late...

Dill grows like weeds around here.

Lilies, lilies everywhere.

Boy did we need this break in the weather! The house was nice and cool....

I made French toast for Ariana and me...just sounded good this morning.

Yesterday, when we went down to the Sidewalk Sale I picked up four more beads for my bracelet.
Took advantage of the sale. I only need a couple more and it will be full. Can you see my little rocking horse?

Gary and Ariana left around 11 for the Genesee Country Museum and I stayed home to get all of Ariana's laundry washed and ready to be packed. Took a short nap and had a visit from Judy. It was great to catch up.
At 3:30 Jenny dropped the boys off as she and Kevin went to the funeral for JJ (the little girl who had leukemia...they just had a huge fund raiser for her in June ...I did a post about the event). It was a long, hard fight and the poor little peanut didn't make it. She was loved by hundreds and hundreds of people in this area and now her family will need their support. It sure puts things in perspective.

At 5:30 Ariana and I grabbed some of Gary's hanging garlic (present) and headed down to Clarkson where a birthday party was being held for Pat C. Our daughter Stephanie has a close relationship with the family and wanted Ariana to be there.

Theresa and Steph have been friends since high school and have kept in close touch.

Pat has 13 grandchildren!

While Ariana and I were sitting at the table with Ann B., Steph was on the phone with her.
When we got back to the farm Jenny was there with pizza. She and Ariana were going out to ride Berlin after they finished dinner.

Cooper and Finn went out to the barn with them while they got ready.

I must say that it got considerably warmer by late afternoon, but it was still reasonable.

After they groomed Berlin, they headed over to the indoor.

Once again, they used the Bitless Bridle on Berlin. She really seems to like it.

Cooper was getting impatient and went back to the house.

Gary spent a lot of time watering our plants during the heatwave, and it really paid off.

These beautiful flowers are outside the indoor.

While Jenny was riding, PC tried to open the side door so he and the herd could get in there.

Of course Finn wanted to have a turn.

Once again, Berlin was a very good girl.

I need to punch one more hole in my leathers so they are short enough for Finn. I sure do love this saddle...an Albion.

Finally it was Ariana's turn.

When they finished, they brought PC in the grooming room and cleaned him up and groomed him. He loved it when Finn and Coop sponged off his belly. What a good old boy....31.

Back in the house to cool off with a fruit bar...

and then it was time for some good byes. Ariana goes to New York tomorrow....Gary will drive her to Binghamton where they will hook up with her other grandparents. We have had a great time together!

Night all.
Nice post...Beautiful pictures! And I loved hearing about your family and horses!
Love how the horses are so good with the kids! I've got a couple of cherry tomatoes getting red, and the peppers are coming along. Lots of eggplant flowers, but no fruits yet. Love the flower photos!
You and your family are always so busy. Looks like your garden will be giving you lots of veggies soon.
Aww, it will be hard for you to see Ariana go. She just seems like such a lovely girl.
That yellowy, cream daylily is gorgeous. Do you know what it's called?
Enjoy this one more beautiful day today, before it turns hot and humid again.
My lower part of the garden is drowning with the huge amounts of rain.
;-) Would love to have an indoor like that to play in! So much work I could get done with a couple of young mules!
Anyway, you are so busy, how in the heck do you have time for blog updates?
Your flowers are gorgeous.
I'm sure Ariana will always remember this visit.
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