When I went out to do chores, I put Seymour and Sidney in a crate...in my big wheelbarrow, and took them out to the grooming room. They have a huge open crate in there with toys, food, water and a litter box on the floor. For about 80 minutes they ran around in the two stalls and the rest of the space. Little tiny Sid ended up on top of a tack trunk. I can't imagine how he got up there.

I cleaned the stalls...opened up all the pastures...

and went over to the other barn to pick up the kittens. After opening the door they were able to explore the paddock area. Seymour got out there but not very far, and Sidney didn't leave the grooming room.

At 11:20 I drove down to the Brockport Animal Hospital so they could get their first distemper shots.

Debbie (who works at the Animal Hospital) loved Sid and took some time to give him some attention.

Seymour sounded like a purring machine and was very cooperative. Dr. Edwards thinks he is at least 4 months old, so he also got a rabies shot.

Sidney, just seven weeks old, has to wait until he is at least 4 months to get his. This kitten thing is an expensive proposition, but I am happy to save them and will have them neutered as soon as they are each 6 months old.

At 5 I drove down to Brockport to get a haircut. Stopped at the store first as we had no bread in the house. On the way home it started to rain.

Fed the horses...by then it was pouring. Pulled out my cart as it was sold and being picked up around 7:30.

In the meantime, Judy invited me to dinner. I put the horses back in the barn as there was a lot of thunder...took a shower and got out just in time to meet the people buying the cart. They loaded it onto a horse trailer and I was off to Brockport again.
Of course the sun came out...and I pulled off the road four times to catch some shots.

Had a great meal with Randy and Judy...unfortunately I did not get any quality photos to show you what we ate. Homemade mac and cheese, corn, beets, fresh tomatoes, and chocolate cake.

Took a few shots in the dark of their house and garden.

Home around 10. This was the first time for me to leave the dogs and kittens with the run of the house. Fortunately they were all still alive when I got home. Phoebe is always respectful of them and Gucci is a little more curious. Sidney knows that going behind the couch is a smart idea and he feels safe there. Seymour, on the other hand, can stand up to Gucci...no sweat.
That's it for now.
Sidney His Buddy....
Night all.
Sounds like a very full day! Those kittens are adorable.
Young animals, as they explore their new world are so wonderful. Seymour and Sidney are going to have so much fun, in these next months, experiencing new things.
Seems that you're coping with this being by yourself stuff just fine.
The new header photo is beautiful. I love the cart you sold - is that a Meadowbrook?
cute cute kitty! Loved the shot of their house and the sunset. All good.
Glorious sky shots, Lori.
Regards, Mike.
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