Wake up Ariana! It's time to make sure everything is packed and take a shower!
After a fast 20 days, this was our last morning with the sweetest grandaughter anyone could ask for. Boy, did we have a good time!

All ready for her trip with Grampa...to Binghamton where she would meet her other grandparents and go back to Whitestone.

For twelve years old...this is one accomplished traveler. On Thursday, her Mom and sister will meet her in New York and the next leg of the journey will be to Croatia for 4 weeks. There, Ariana and Daniela will put in some beach time with their grandparents and great grandparents...maybe a few cousins and an aunt too. I love the fact that both girls can speak Croatian and enjoy spending time in another culture.

This morning Barb helped me in the barn. It started out to be quite comfortable and then it heated up.

I took a shower, packed up my car with a few things (harness, bit, children's saddle), decorated a hat and at 11:15 headed out to Glen Darach Farm for Andrea's annual "Garden Party."

We all took along real china and place settings.

The food was terrific...a major buffet (everyone brought something).

Andrea works very hard to prepare for this event, which is held in her indoor.

Many of the attendees are members of the Driving Society and there are always many items for sale...especially hats.

By 2:30 I was getting very hot and tired, and went back home to veg for awhile. The place was totally quiet...After returning from Binghamton, Gary had duty at the Welcome Center, so I attempted to watch a movie.
By the time I went out to do evening chores, it was getting pretty steamy, so I put the fan on. After the horses were fed, Berlin and PC went directly in front of it instead of going for the hay or pasture.

I'm afraid Abbe has a slight bow in her front left tendon. She is not gimpy, but there is a slight swelling. She was excellent for the farrier, but it needed attention. I soaked her in cold water and did a Furicine sweat. I'll have to see how it goes.

With all the activity (doing much more than usual), my body was pretty tired. It's a good thing I don't have many plans for the coming week.
Night all.
I can't believe it's been 20 days already. Seems like she just got there!
The party looks like a good time.
Awwww, your sadness at seeing Ariana go comes through on your post today. Sorry she had to go.
: (
Bye Ariana! Have fun in Croatia. What an exciting summer this girl is having.
I hope that Abbe's swelling is not a bow. Sigh, horses. You love them, but you sure do spend a lot of time worrying about them. Whoever thought up that saying "Healthy as a horse" obviously wasn't a horseperson.
You are so lucky to be able to have your granddaughter come to visit. We would love for our granddaughters to come and spend some time with us but their mother says they would be bored here!! Breaks my heart.
Do you belong to the Red Hat Society?
Lori---I so loved reading about Ariana's visit each day---What a beautiful and talented young lady she is and the smile on Gary's face as he stood behind her as she was getting ready to leave says it all!!! Sara
Hi Lori and Gary. You will miss having Ariana about the place. Aren't we lucky having such good contact with our grandchildren ?????
Warm regards, Mike.
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