What an unbearable day in the weather department. It was cool when I got up...needed a sweatshirt when I went out to the barn. Cruised through the chores.

Of course it started to pour...
When there was a break I started hunting for onions and hung up several bunches so they will dry out.

The rain was on and off...at times it was VERY heavy.

The temperature went up about 20+ degrees and it was so muggy!!!!! the horses stayed out in the pasture and ate. Fortunately there was a breeze.

Went in the house...had lunch...a quick trip to the store...back home to clean and start on dinner. Phoebe and Gucci were happy to relax under the ceiling fan in the living room.

Our cherry tomatoes are starting to ripen...this is the second batch to be picked. Even found a plum tomato.

Got together some flowers for the dining room and kitchen....I love using dill as a filler.

THIS IS THE STRANGE PART OF THE DAY! The humidity was so high the floors were wet...in the kitchen and all the hardwood floors too. Never ever has this happened before.

I had started marinating some chicken last night and put together shish ke bobs for dinner. It was our monthly meeting with Brenda, Al, Ron and Ann.

Ann brought a classic spinach salad and some appetizers.

We had some crusty bread....

Ron and Al kept Gary company while he was grilling.

Getting back to dinner...I made Rosa Marina...

The ke bobs were made with chicken, onions, red peppers, zuchinni, yellow squash, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes. They were grilled to perfection.

Brenda made a cheese cake with a nutty crust, topped with fresh berries. Outstanding...smooth.

We sure have a lot of laughs when we are together.

It doesn't get much better than having dinner and some good laughs with friends. What a pleasure it is to spend time with these people.

I was yawning before 10. The heat and humidity crippled me. I can't tell you how grateful I am that Barb did the chores.
I'm pooped.
Night all.
What crazy weather. I'm sure the dogs were grateful for the fan. All the food you make always looks so good. One of these days when I have less work I'd like to take time to create such wonderful dinners.
Wait until today. The heat and humidity are supposed to be unbearable. Think of me with pity as I'll be down at the track, walking the backside for the Trainer's Listings. I sweat just thinking about it.
Oh my! I can't even imagine humidity like that.
The food looks delicious.
Hi Lori, heat and humidity can drain the body of energy. I'm glad you had such a lovely time with your friends. The food (especially the cheesecake!) looks scrumptious. I love your healthy - looking onions and tomatoes as well. Have a wonderful day. (((Hugs))) Jo
What a great evening and meal. There is nothing better than having friends visit especially when they bring goodies and muck in with cleaning up. I see you still have those cute doggies and now a bunch of cats. The horse is so shiny and happy. Maybe the floor got condensation on it because it was so cold in the morning and then the rain filled the air with humidity as the day heated up and the wet air hit the cooler floor. In our summer we find it hard to get dry after a shower. No sooner do you towel yourself and then your skin is all clammy again.
I remember humidity from our time spent living in South Carolina. I do not miss it at all. We can get hot, even up here in the mountains, but we tend to stay around the mid 80's. And with no humidity, it's very comfortable even though we don't own an A/C.
You and your friends know how to eat well. Even with such simple ingredients, the presentation looks so much fancier.
I hope one day when our kids are grown we'll be able to have friends over on occasion. My hubby and I tend to be a little more reclusive and introverted than you and your hubby, but it is nice to visit with friends a few times a year for a good meal and good times.
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