OK Mom...what kind of treats do you have this morning? Pony was still following me around.

Yuck! Talk about muggy. This was the worst yet and I was soaked in no time. Had a grain delivery....Mustafa was checking everything out.

None of the horses went out for almost an hour...Berlin and PC were gooming each other.

Mulched the paddock and went down to Weggies to get some last minute things for our dinner party.

Gary spent most of the time in the Studio Barn working on the windows. The inside has a Tudor look...

...and he already primed and painted the outside. Lookin' very good.

I spent quite awhile cleaning the house...would rather have taken a nap.

It's a good thing Barb did chores tonight. When Tina and Roger arrived, the pups were looking for a treat. They didn't know it was not a class day!

Randy was happy about something!

We had guacamole, blue chips fresh pineapple and mangoes from Judy and Randy's trees (in Florida) for starters and Roger and Tina brought a plate of shrimp. Then we moved on to black bean burritos and spanish rice.

It looks like everyone was hungry.

On my burito....lettuce, tomato, peppers, sour cream, red pepper salsa, black beans and guacomole.

For dessert, Roger and Tina brought a blueberry sweet bread and it was topped with mixed berries and whipped cream. OUTSTANDING.

Who did come to dinner? Margay, Ulpi, Judy, Randy, Tina, Roger and Tom. We missed you Deb.
Couch time.
Night all.
Looks like you had a fabulous dinner! We've got the heat and humidity back in force today, too.
Our heat and humidity are over the top too. Can't wait for fall.
Your dinner party looks like a great success. Would have loved to have some of that berry pie!
Lori & Gary,
Sorry it took all day to let you know we had such a good time dining at Skoog Farm last night. We always feel so lucky to be invited! The dinner of course was great. The company as always was entertaining.
Thank you so much for having us.
Tina & Roger
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