Nice morning, but ugh! It went up to 87 and muggy today.
At 8:30 I loaded Abbe and all her stuff on Darrin's trailer and took her out to Glen Darach Farm for 3 days of work. She came in from the pasture like a quiet quarterhorse but was not happy about leaving home. With all the work going on around here, she has not been asked to do much of anything. Hopefully Andrea will have a good time getting her back in shape.
At noon we drove out to the Bott's spa on Lake Ontario. The water was pretty calm and the sun was bright. While the kids went in the water, Gary and Topper walked down the street to get their boat.
What a happy group.
All four kids had no fear of going in the water.
Steph took Finn and Daniela out on an inflatable kayak.
Next, we had lunch. Yummy! Sandwiches, potato salad, pickled beets, veggies, chips and dip, melons, lemonade....and cookies for later.
A friend gave the Botts the biggest inner tube I have ever could hold 7 or 8!
Next, the boat ... We all fit and Topper gave the kids a ride they will never forget (which they loved).
They don't call it a speed boat for nothing!
Doesn't it look like we are on the ocean?
We threw the anchor over at a little lagoon and all jumped in for a swim. The water temperature must have been near the high 70s.
Daniela and Finn had to figure out how to get back in the boat.
Then the wild ride began....
It felt like a roller coaster.
Just when we got back to their house, it started to rain. Carol, Jen, Steph and 3 of the kids jumped back in the water to get to shore (me too).... Ariana went with Gary and Topper to put the boat away.
What a perfect afternoon. I went home to start on a birthday dinner for Finn and the rest of them stayed at the lake for another hour and a half.
Finn wanted a cheesecake for his birthday, but that was not the only dessert! I bought a Boston Cream Cake and Randy and Arlene showed up with a brownie pie and ice cream. Quite an assortment.
Jenny, Kevin and the kids took a walk down the lane, and when they got back it was time for Scrabble (Mike) and Sequence. Grampa worked on the dishes...and some dancing. He loves to put on the radio real loud and sing old rock and roll songs.
Ariana found it to be quite humerous.
Around 10:15 we had thunder and lightning so Ariana and I went out to put the horses in for the night. I went in to the indoor to see how the rain sounded on the new roof. Having plywood underneath it makes it pretty quiet.
Looks like a lot of water, food, and game fun to me. Way too much laughing going on there! I think we maybe switched weather as we have now been getting a ton of rain and the temp is staying in the 60s.
What a day!!!
Another fun day with the Skoog Family. You all have such a good time together. What busy days!
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