The horse above is Masterpiece. He knew that Target was in trouble....
All the horses were with him in the indoor when it was time.
Gary called when we were almost home from picking up Abbe, and said that Target would not go in his stall when it started storming. He stayed in the barn (run in). When we got there he was shaking and his respiration rate was very high. He dropped manure 6 times within half an hour. Went down once, had a normal temperature and his gums looked a little dull. The first thing I do when I have a serious problem is call Andrea (she has more knowledge than some Vets). After 3 calls, we decided the only thing to do was call the Vet...I did. My favorite was on duty and she lives only a few minutes from here. Got here in no time. From that point on things went down hill...he was given banamine, was tubed, had an ultrasound and a belly tap. All the signs were very bad. I called Jenny (as Target was really her horse) and she came up to be with him when we put him down. We will miss him greatly. He was our first foal and lived with us for 26 years...a very handsome boy. All the horses were in the indoor with him when Amy gave him his was very sad and peaceful. They all went up to him when it was all over. It was the right thing to do.
Oh Lori, I am so sorry for your loss. Words never seem enough to help dull the pain but sometimes, it's all we have. Target was loved. And because of wonderful people like you, he was well loved. Be proud he lived a long and healthy life. Take care, Cindy
My sincere condolences on losing Target. May he run forever on Green Pastures.
I am so very sorry to hear that you lost another good friend. I looks like Target was a lucky boy to have had such a wonderful family for 26 years. He's now off to greener pastures. My sympathies to everyone at Skoog Farm.
Sorry for your loss. But Target had a long and full life. He was lucky to be part of your family.
I'm so sorry to hear about Target. Though he was getting on some in years, he seemed so strong and healthy. When Jenny rode him this past spring someone said that he looked (in your video) like he was trotting on clouds. I hope that's what he's doing now.
I know how hard it is, and how much he'll be missed. I'll be thinking of you and all of Target's buddies. (I'm convinced that they will be missing him, too.)
Your retelling of the events is so respectful and moving. That they all went over at the end is an amazing reaction from the other horses. Very sad.
I hope today is filled with some laughter and sunshine in celebration of his good long life.
Oh! Very sad... I am sorry for your loss... it is always very sad to lost a great friend.
As I read this, I was so afraid of what the ending of the day would bring. My sorrows with you all.
I'm so sorry to hear about Target. My condolences. :(
I'm sorry to hear about your loss of Target. It sounds like he will surely be missed by you and your herd. My thoughts are with you.
So sorry about Target. I'm sure it is a devastating loss to all of you in the Skoog family as well as to the other horses on the farm. I hope Jenny is ok. It can't be easy to let a loved animal move on. What a beautiful horse he was...
Two in such a short time is very hard on you. They were both lovely looking horses. Our condolences.
Mike and Ann.
I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is and hope you are doing okay.
I am so, so sorry. What a hard year this has been.
Awww you guys lost another horse..that' so sad...Im sorry to hear about your sweet little friend..hugs....
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. It's never easy to lose one, even if they had lived a long and full life. I love that you let your others have access to be a part of his passing. What a fantastic idea for everyone, and I can't believe I had never thought do this before (not that I've had to euthanize THAT many horses..)All the best, and I'll be thinking of you and this beautiful boy.
I am so sorry for you and Jenny. It is comforting that at least it was quick without a lot of pain. The reaction of the other horses is so moving. I'm sorry that you have this empty spot in your lives now.
I'm so sorry. How beautiful he was. I'm glad he is buried there with you all.
I suppose it's natural when you have a geriatric herd, but I guess that doesn't make it any less painful.
I loved your photos of Target.
Sorry I haven't been around lately. Missed you!
Oh Lori...I am so sorry to hear this news. I just saw this and was absolutely shocked...26 seems so young to me, though I know it's a long time and that he had a great great life. What a lucky boy to have been born with you and stayed his whole life in such a loving home. It's been a rough few months...I can only imagine how heavy your heart must be. Even if we know it's the right decision, it never makes it an easy one.
Sending you a humongous hug and I will be thinking of gorgeous Target running with Joe and Shenna and all of his other friends who awaited him.
Sigh. Thinking of you,
Target will be missed by me and eveyone else. I will always see him in his stall even when he isn't there.
Lori, I was catching up on your journal and was so upset to read your news about Target. He was so beautiful! I will always remember his grace beneath my seat when he took me for a ride. Such a nice boy. Christy Q
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