A nice cloud cover.... Did chores while the roofing crew worked on the Studio Barn and a shed roof that is coming off the indoor.
Steph took Ariana, Daniela, Finn and Coop out to breakfast. They met some friends in Batavia.
This is a Fig Tree that I have had for 12 years. It belonged to a friend who passed away, and her husband gave me many of her plants. When I got it, it was probably 8 or 9 feet tall and I kept it in my classroom at the high school. I brought it home after I retired and had to cut it back so it would fit in the house. A few months ago Mademoiselle Gucci (Poochie)'Lisbet Skoog decided to start destroying it. She pulled off the leaves and chewed on it when I was not looking. I gave up and put it out back between the two porch roofs and forgot about it. Last week it started sprouting new leaves and now it is going crazy! Gary cut off the top 3 feet and it looks like I am going to have my plant back. It did nothing for 3 months or more!
When everyone got back from breakfast a lot of time was spent in the back yard on the swing. Of course there were Scrabble (Mike) and Sequence challenges and lots of drawing.
That swing gets such a work out.
In the meantime, I was out in the grooming room with the horse's dentist.
All the clouds disappeared and the sun was out in full force. Warm, not too warm, and REASONABLE HUMIDITY for a change.
Today a truck came and moved the dumpster over by the Studio Barn so they could get started on that roof. It took only half an hour to rip off the old shingles.
It was done in no time! Looks a lot more like a little cabin. Now we have to attack the exterior, interior and gardens... Never ending, but the new roof serves as motivation.
After digging through some rocks, posts were placed in the paddock to form a shed roof over the side door to the indoor. In the winter it gets frozen shut and we think this will solve the problem.
Enough ladders?
J really did a great job. Tomorrow I will show you the finished work that was done in an amazingly short period of time..
Isn't the roof on the Studio Barn looking great?
By late afternoon, all Finn wanted to do was go home. Around 5:30 Steph drove all the kids down to Jen's for an overnight. First they watched Finn's flag football practice, then they went to Bill Grey's for burgers. A busy day.
I mowed our lawn after all the trucks etc. left, and at 6:15 went down to Apple Creek Farm to do that lawn. I finished right at sunset.
The dogs went with me and waited in the car...they were in the shade with all the windows open...cool at last....
On the way home they both wanted to look out the windows.
My camera wasn't working, so I stopped at the Welcome Center to see if I could figure out the problem....it was that rubberband! Not doing the job. Can't wait to get my other camera back...in fact, I am going to start saving for a good camera with a couple of lenses.
This was a test shot...trying to determine if I had my flash on or not.
When the flash is off, I can get a better photo...here we are by the sculpture at the Canal.
The Village looked sweet tonight.
By the time I got home it was almost 9. Fortunately Gary took the masks off the horses for me.
Tomorrow morning I have to get the lead out as I have to leave here at 8:30 to take Abbe out to Andrea's for 3 days. Could not work her here with all the activity...the nail guns sounded like shots and would have been too scarey. So that's it, and it's not even 11pm. Night all.
Lovely photo's as always Lori - so glad to hear that your fig tree is recovering ;) It never ceases to amaze me at how much you fit into a single day - puts me to shame !
Glad to hear you're still scrabbling, Lori. So are we. We played a four handed game with Sarah and Mikey last night. Good fun. I must look into that Sequences game of yours.
Warm regards, Mike and Ann.
Beautiful morning on the farm! Hi Lori, thanks for asking...I am doing pretty good. Having another surgery in a month...it's all a battle of the mind...moving to the country of 98th Street in a couple months. Can't wait! Much quieter up there.
Whew, Lori - your busy day has made me a bit tired! Liked hearing about how your friend's fig tree has begun growing again. I had violets from my deceased Mother that didn't flower for years and then finally one year, exactly on her birthday, they began to bloom.
Your renovations are looking good! Keep cool...
It amazes that a tree that seemed gone can come back to life like that. (And the dogs thought it was theirs!) That does say something about our resilience as well..I guess. The "girls" look so excited to be cruising with mom on the big open road.
I am exhausted just reading about thinking of the work you're having done to the roofs. And they waste no time. (No wonder you're delaying getting a new camera. The cost of the re-roofing must be enormous.)
You spread is such a beautiful place...home, out-buildings, barns, gardens. Really a nice place you've made. I'm so glad your plant came back to life. I understand how something so small can have so much meaning.
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