I very seldom put any meat in my sauce...for over 20 years now. I have posted some chicken meatballs, but that is very rare. Last night it was served with crispy Italian bread and a cucumber,tomato and onion salad. Yum.
Oh Phoebe....wake up! It's time to go out and do chores...
This dog is no dummy...she knows what pillows are for.
Very chilly this morning...(and I froze last night...had to grab an extra blanket)...in the low 50s.
Gar helped me with chores so I was done by 8:30.
The dogs are always with me and have no fear of the horses.
Gucci was trying to communicate with Pony.
Pony was not all that receptive...
but did not mind if Gucci walked under her.
Gary helped me take the sides off our utility trailer (that I use to go get sawdust) and I loaded the little red cart.
I also prepared a bag with my harness and lounging equipment. The bucket has a sponge and some peppermint wash in it...do you ever use it when you wet down your horses? Plus my hardhat and a couple of whips. Leaving around 9:45 for my lesson with Andrea.
The plan for today....lounge Abbe first.
I did this for about 10 minutes and she was very cooperative. Put her back on the trailer to remove that tack and put on her (new???third) harness so she would be ready for an 11 o'clock lesson. She went in and was pretty quiet...then it happened again! She would not stay in a straight line and kept messing around with her head...Andrea checked her bridle and harness to make sure everything was ok. She settled down a little, but was not her old self. When I took over the line driving she was a little quieter, but not where we want her. Andrea is more demanding than I am and Abbe is used to mushball me. She has stressed the importance of straightness and I found out (in living color) what that means. We hooked her and going to the left she started getting very feisty again. So, we ended the lesson...
Darrin had a 2 o'clock and ta daaaaaa!!!!! Andrea found a saddle that fits Winnie! It's a new Wintec and has an adjustable tree.
Darrin took a lesson in the new saddle and my hackamore...Winnie was an absolute doll. He was very light with his hands and she was very relaxed. Having a saddle that fits is critical.
Trina and I are trying to talk him into some breeches...
We unloaded the little red cart and loaded my Meadowbrook (full of bird doooo and in dire need of a doll up). At last, it is now home and I hope to break through this driving barrier. It will also be refinished.
While I was out horsing around, Gary continued to work in the gardens. He has done this every afternoon for days and has a long way to go.
He does a great job.
Jenny and the boys came up for dinner (lucky for me Trina did the chores). Afterward it was time for a game of Sequence and some Bocce out on the lawn. Jen was very tired, as she and Sharmene walked over 21 Miles today in preparation for a marathon in September. Why do they want to torture themselves????
Took off the horses masks and I am off duty. Night All!
Hi Lori, I was going to mention the Wintec saddles. I have one that is actually the endurance with the interchangeable gullet system and I love it. I can fit that to any horse in the barn. I just wanted to give you a little warning with the dogs and the horses. My jack russell has been coming to the barn with me and helping with the horses for 8 years. Never a problem until a couple of weeks ago. My haflinger pony decided that she had enough of the dog and stomped on her! My jack is only about 11 pounds sopping wet. I thought she was all done. Fortunately, she didn't even endure a scratch but I have a newfound respect for the whole dog/horse relationship. The dog stays away from the horses now and vice versa. I'm not taking that chance again. I would be lost without my little dog! I had been warned by other horse people and I said "oh they never bother her". Man, was I wrong. Just thought I'd share this with you. Still a faithful follower, Cindy
Your dinner looks(and sounds) delicious! And I just love your hosrs4s...they are beautiful!
I want to come to your house for dinner! I'll have to try the veggie pasta sauce recipe. Maybe tonight since I just got some tomatoes from one of my neighbors. Yum!
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