After I mowed the lane and around the pastures, I had to run some errands and took the dogs with me. First we went to the drive thru at the bank.
The teller gave the dogs each a cookie...
After that we hit Tractor Supply for a bag of lime and a mineral salt block.
Next door is "junk food." I got the dogs a plain dollar burger to split.
Gucci loves to sit on this shelf in the back of my car...which she did on the way home.
This afternoon there were around 35 pigeons on our barn roof. Great! I'll bet they are going to take a powder when they start doing the roof on the indoor. Next week would be nice...
Did evening chores a little early so Winnie would be ready for a lesson tonight.
I moved Gary's farm wagon over to the turn around in the driveway. He scraped it....
cleaned it up....
and after dinner finished priming it. Looks pretty good.
He will dry our onions there.
Not a lot of garlic this year. The seed stock is already spoken for by organic growers and the table stock will go up for sale by the weekend.
I added some elbow macaroni to the leftover sauce from last night...nothing wrong with leftovers at our house! Easy dinner.
At 6:30 I rode out to Glen Darach Farm to watch Darrin's lesson on Winnie.
They both did very well.
Andrea is the perfect teacher for him. When interested adults take any kind of lesson, they usually want it, and absorb information in a way that is very different from what they would have done when they were younger.
Darrin adjusted the hackamore he bought for Winnie...Got the Mattes pad in the mail tonight...the saddle fits the horse right...and the two of them are ready to roll.
This sweet horse loves not having a bit in her mouth. A great lesson.
Hey Lori...Just stoped by to say hi....Hope you are enjoying your summer...You always have beautiful photo's.. I just love your journal..
Hope you have a great night...
Looks like you had a totally busy day! I talked to two horse people this week and live in the county with the most horses in all of North Carolina. Unfortunately, horses just aren't a part of my life. There is another (at least one) skywatch post with horses.
How fun following the progression of your day!
Very nice pictures. Gucci is so cute and I want some of that easy dinner it looks delicious!
Fun blog. I'll have to check in more often.
And this is a great photo . . . love that shadow!
This old camera makes interesting pictures, and nice ones!
You got a very nice, dog loving "teller" at the bank, that's cool!
We don't have drive throughs here, only at McDonalds...
Great Post!
How come there wasn't much garlic this year? Less planting or not the right weather?
I do not even profess to know about horses, but Darrin looks so big for Winny. Is it just the perception of the photos? OR is she a small horse?
I can't believe your bank teller hands out dog treats! What a town! This seems like a pretty quiet day for you, you super woman you.
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