I started ripping down the boards between two of the stalls creating a gigantic one. Moved around some mats and except for Masterpiece, all the horses will be switched around....and all will have bigger stalls.
Around 9:30 I had a hay delivery and within half an hour Target was picked up for a burial at a nearby farm. He is a few feet away from Joe under an Oak tree. Jenny and I will go over for a visit.
The rest of the horses are doing alright....I think PC is taking it the hardest. They were like brothers for Target's entire life. Pony adjusted after Joe was gone...somehow they just keep going.
Yesterday Abbe tried to come in the tack room while the vet was there with Target. All the horses were calling out and knew something was not right with him.
I need to start working with Abbe regularly, but today I just didn't have it in me.
This evening we went to a Museum Board Picnic at a fabulous home. The owner is one of the best Kitchen Designers around.
Off the back of their house, is a beautiful dining area....full of plants and mission style furniture.
The property is extremely well landscaped.
PS I want to thank all of you who have left comments about Target...it is greatly appreciated.
Your morning seemed to pass with silence and the need to work. Good that the evening led to friends and companionship... Thanks for describing the horses first day without their friend Target.
I am so, so sorry to hear about your Target. Very sad. I wish you time to grieve and the bright light of healing. Be well.
Whinny being without Target made me very sad for you and all your horses.
However, I'm glad to see you had a festive time at your friend's house. His kitchen is to die for!
It is curious and sad how our other animals react to the loss of one of the "family." Dogs mope around and seem bewildered by the absence of their companion and friend. I can only imagine what it must be like for such a large presence, a horse like Target, to suddenly be gone. Only time heals thses kinds of events in our life.
I'm glad you went out to such a wonderful gathering. Your photos of the dinner and a home are very good. That is a perfect place to have the board meeting. And the weather looked ideal, too.
Tomorrow is always a new day and beginning of our future. Target is resting peacefully close by a friend now.
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