
Friday, October 22, 2021

More Green Tomato Relish

Much cooler today.  In the high 40s.

After chores I washed Berlin's windows and Gary put them in for me.  Karen did the rest when she was here for evening chores.  It's supposed to be pretty cold tonight.
There will be a brush pick up on Monday, so Gary has started moving mountains of sticks, bamboo and a lot of other stuff that we keep piling up.
I've been trying to make more relish for 3 days, and finally got around to it.  Ironically, I made it on this day one year ago.  I posted it on FB and was asked for the recipe within an hour.

Our house smells so good!
At 1:30, Little Wonder and I got in the car and ran a few errands.
First we went to Tractor Supply for grain....
then we stopped at Jenny's for some playtime with 

Then we went to Country Max for some shavings.  Little Wonder was very social and was happy to relate to several people.  I'll have to do this more often!

This afternoon they sprayed grass seed on the front lawn where they brought in the water line.  By next week they should drill through our basement wall and have us connected.  The house across the street had their water connected and running yesterday.
There are still tons of flowers out there for my kitchen table.
I had a fire going by 4pm.  Nice and cozy.
Just before dinner Gary planted a lot of daffodils under the wind mill.  That should look pretty sweet in the spring.
Leftover chili for dinner, with a couple of salads.  So good.
Night all.


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