Last night when Phoebe and Little Wonder were let outside, she had jumped off the couch and was very lame. Gary thought it was her shoulder. When I put her on the bed for the night, she kept licking her front right leg. This morning....
I was all set to call the Animal Hospital. Carried her outside and at first, thought she was still gimpy. The more she walked, the more she improved and wanted to go out to the barn with me. What a relief. Now, I am wondering if she had been stung by a bee.
Such a little trooper.
Mid morning we went out to the garden and picked more tomatoes. I gave this basket to our neighbor and filled it up a second time for us. Some of these San Marzanos weigh over a pound!
At 11:30 I went to a friend's home to do a photoshoot....took about a hundred photos of her with her daughter. Can't show you them, but can show you some of the flowers in their rose garden.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the "turtles" were showing themselves.
Gary picked another half bushel of tomatoes and they will go to a friend who is making sauce.
This was our share of the bounty.
My friend Patty had given me a bag full of cherry tomatoes so I decided to make a pasta salad.
Dinner? Ham and cheese sandwiches with fresh tomatoes and greens....and you guessed it, some pasta salad.
Just relaxing now....
Night all.
Glad Phoebe is feeling better. All the veggies look great. Love the beautiful roses and flowers.
I'm hoping this comes through, if not, I'll send you an email. I think I need cooking lessons but I would be such a poor student!
I'm glad Phoebe seems fine!
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