The dogs went to the barn with me this morning, and after going out for coffee, Gary helped me with chores.
Around 10:30 Gary and Jen took the four kids to Niagara Falls for a look and a picnic. I stayed home and mulched the hay in the paddocks and pastures. Also dragged the indoor as Justine was to have a lesson at 1:30. Then, I went in the house and started on some spaghetti sauce and homemade meatballs.
After Justine's lesson, her instructor got on Winnie for a few minutes. The outdoor arena was in mint condition as it had been rototilled.
The troops returned from the Falls at 5:30. Tonight I fed the horses their grain early and they had hay in the paddock. Of course the kids wanted to visit them.
Coop and Grampa were rocking away under the pergola.
Coop was not happy, as by the time he was ready to go in with the horses, we were ready to have dinner.
...but they are not too hot for salad. Grampa and I love it.
By the time Ariana finished eating, they were all ready to spend some time on the swing.
Time to put the horses in for the night.
Last year, the Kenney family purchased their first horse. Justine had taken some lessons and they made a committment to a 19 yo Thoroughbred named Winnie. She was blind in one eye and had a lot of experience. Her owner could no longer keep her and felt that this family would take good care of her...they did and they do. They boarded her at a facility near here but I invited them to come over once in awhile to ride in the indoor. I was down to six horses and chores were a little easier... had been out of the boarding business for years. They wanted a recommendation from me for a facility with an indoor. To make a long story short, we established a co-op situation. They bought hay and some bedding...Justine does chores two nights a week and they do all kinds of things to help out around here. When I first met them, they had very little experience but they jumped in all the way. Winnie has done everything from visiting nursing homes to showing. Tomorrow she will be in a parade. I have watched Justine change enormously since she has been here. She has always had a good position when she rides, but now she is learning to work with her horse in a way that is better for both of them. This is just a little clip of what she did this afternoon. (And she had quite an audience).
Looks like a picture perfect day for yoiu today! Is that a cape Coop has on? Cute!
It was great to have the lesson be an entire family affair. Even Kenney Senior enjoyed good conversation with Mrs. Skoog and remarked how "Winnie has become a member of the family and won our hearts, who cares if she didn't win the roses as she was bred and trained to do." I don't think Winnie cares either.
Thanks for a great day today. Great to see you more relaxd
That lady is a natural horsewoman. Mark you, I think perhaps that horse is a natural schoolmaster.
Regards, Mike.
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