Very bright and crisp this morning. The snow has melted and it may hit 50 by this afternoon.

Seeing that the paddock is very muddy, I fed the horses in one of the pastures.

Gucci found a piece of Pony's hoof (from when the farrier was here) and like every other dog I've met....thought it was mighty tasty.
Got in the house by 10 and grabbed the dogs before leaving for Higbies Farm Supply. Needed some Vitamin E and Selinium as well as beet pulp.

We went the back way on our return, and I took these photos along the way.

These shots are from Stable 54, which is not too far from our farm. It used to be a racehorse facility, but now is a boarding stable. All the fencing is made of welded pipe...very solid.

Gucci and Phoebe were as interested in looking at the horses as I was.

This is one of the most beautiful houses in the area...and is down the street from the boarding stable.

Across the street, there is a farm that raises sheep. There were hundreds and hundreds of blue flowers in the yard.

The fields are really starting to green up.

This house is down the street from ours and we went in it when it was for sale. It was gorgeous, but needed a lot of work. Finally, the (2nd) owner restored the inside and I have heard that he did a fabulous job.

This is the south side of our house. It was built in 1853 and we really love it here. Gary put up a picket fence in the back yard many years ago, and it has been perfect for turning Phoebe and Gucci out whenever they want to go chase birds and chipmunks.
I've looked at the houses. Some have narrow windows, others wider.
Here generally, they are wide and not very high to put a radiator under the window.
Now the fields green up. We're waiting for much rain on the Easter week-end.
See you soon
The sun in your yard looks just beautiful. The dogs crack me up...I wish I could take mine like that. I tried last week and Ruby peed on the seat. Yuck! Thanks for the tour of the area. I love the fields...I'm a farmer at heart. The sheep look great. They been shaved for the summer. My Daisy looks just awful. I don't have shears so I use scissors and it takes about 5 hours. I haven't decided to tackle that job yet. My son and I fantasize about moving. Maybe New York is for us! :)
thank you so much for the tour!
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