Gary decided to be practical and go for the Forrester. 28-34 miles per gallon versus half that with the truck. That means no more horse trailer.

Went out to do chores a little early. The horses were waiting. Berlin is above.

Abbe looks like she is in a barn in europe.

...the rain is finally going to make it.

We are now into daisy blossoms along with the iris.

I'm starting to cut them for the house.

The robins could not wait for me to clean out the bird bath.

The rain did arrive and the lawn and gardens got a good drink.

The spinach went nuts and now the leaves are starting to form.

More of the yellow roses are blossoming.

This is the door to our kitchen....it gets quite a workout...as you can see all the gardens are filling in and growing up. Around 3:30 I had to put the horses in the barn because there was so much thunder and lightning.

There were deep puddles in the driveway and I had to create a trench next to the barn so the water would go where it was supposed to.

About my horse trailer. It is for sale. A 16 foot stock with a tack area in the front. It has clear plastic "curtains" (like a boat would have) that I can snap down over the open slats when it is cold, or velcro up when it is warm. I will really miss it, but Gary should be able to get whatever vehicle he wants after what he has been through.

Check it out.

After the horses ate their grain tonight, I let them go back out as it was barely sprinkling. Joe, Pony and PC immediately headed for the grass. This is the view from Joe's back window.

Apparently, Winnie thought rolling in the mud was a good idea. Don't you just love all the green?

My macro shot for today....

Here are some of the daisies I put in the kitchen. Now I have to find some shots for SkyWatch Friday, the skies were not very beautiful today while it was raining.
Tomorrow is another day. Goodnight Chloe....goodnight Snapdragon.
are you car shopping?
One cannot accuse Winnie of being a tidy little prissy. Maybe she feeling a little girlish tomboy now that she's two years younger?
Beutiful Subaru! Don't they tow though? Googling ... oh! Need a trailer with brakes! Ah! Daisies are QUITE cheerful!
Subaru's are the best. I hear the Forrester is just a great ride. Throughout the last few days I have really appreciated how you have given your husband such compassionate consideration and care while continuing to participate fully in your life. Seems to me you deserve your own special treat.
I love your trailer and I'm sure you'll have no problem selling it. Great pictures too, my favorite flowers are daisies and yellow roses. I can never get daisies to grow without killing them, but I do get the yellow roses.
Glad to see that you got the rain I sent over :)
Lucky you with the rain. I sure hope we get the rain they're predicting for Sunday and that it's a good soaker! It looks like you have such a beautiful place with the Euro looking barn and all the flowers.
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