Out to the barn to do the usual...not the greatest weather. Berlin and PC were waiting for breakfast.

Today my class was coming at noon for a luncheon. Just when I got into cleaning and setting things up, Jenny arrived to go riding with the kids! Meltdown number one. How could I do what I had left to do and go out to the barn to help...as in riding Berlin before Ariana got on???
I rode for all of a minute and a half and let her get on. At first I walked along, and then she was on her own. Berlin was wearing a hackamore and my dressage saddle (which suited Ariana).
Jenny got on Target for a few minutes before she put Daniela on. (She was much more comfortable today and did a great job).

All arrived about the same time...my current students and a couple from the past enjoyed catching up. I was barely able to get my clothes on before they walked in the door. Meltdown number three.
Did we have a feast! Ham, potato salad, pineapple au gratin, fruit salad and homemade sourdough bread with honey butter. At 6:30 this morning I was in the kitchen making BBQued
green beans (well worth it). We even had wine!
As if that wasn't enough, we had two spectacular desserts. Unfortunately I did not take the pictures before we cut into them.

This is my friend Brenda... you have seen some of her artwork in the past. She is an extraordinary painter and just happens to love Phoebe and Mademoiselle Gucci. (On the prowl for a scottie pup that will be called "Tootsie Marie." What a great name).
Now for meltdown number four. By 3pm I had to be at the Village Hall for an interview with representatives of the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor. Hurry!!! Hurry!!!! Brockport is one of three communities that are finalists for the Erie Canalway Heritage Award of Excellence. There were four of us there from the Art & Aesthetics Committee, and I think we dazzled them with all the great things going on around here. They couldn't believe it! As I was leaving the building, Gary called and asked me to pick up the girls at Jenny's (one of their Mom's friends stopped by the farm to visit them). Julie and her daughter Cassidy.

Even tho I was out of gas, I had to take a couple of shots of trees on the way home....blooming like crazy!
Even tho I was out of gas, I had to take a couple of shots of trees on the way home....blooming like crazy!
Julie, Ariana, Daniela and Cassidy. This one's for you....Steph.
Meltdown number five came after dinner...the kids were all tired, still had to pack, and the adults were ready for R wing. Jenny and the boys left and eventually things leveled out. We got all the clothes I washed today organized and packed. By this time tomorrow Ariana, Daniela and I will be in Nevada. I do believe I need a vacation. Now how I can keep up with my Journal?
Oh sweetie..isn't always like that right before you go on Vaca?!!
I hope that you can Chilax soon!
Thanks soo much for the nice informative comment today too! That was before any meltdowns..think!
Ah, the boring life of the retired!
Sheesh, as busy as your day was, I am inspired to keep on working (like I have a choice in this, lol). What a wonderful, full to the brim (well ok, sometimes overflowing) life.
After a day like that, sister, you DESERVE a vacation! Maybe you should extend your stay a few days to make up for the hectic send-off!
Loved the photos. Have a great time!
Busy days are crazy days, and at the end of the day they are the ones that were the best!
Nevada? Apparently, I missed the post about you upcoming vacation. How exciting. I hope you truly enjoy yourself.
I think you deserve a break. Yours is the only blog that I can click on EVERY day knowing there will be something new worth looking at and something decent to read. Don't know how you continue to do it with your workload, but many thanks and long may it continue.
Warm regards to you both, Mike and Ann.
Poor thing! You definitely need a vacation! Or at least stop and breathe for a moment, hopefully tomorrow will be better! Stop and smell the roses like you did when you took those beautiful pics of those awesome trees!
all I can say is WOW! You accomplished more in one day than some people do all week. Good for you!
I love the pictures of the girls :) Have sooooo much fun in Nevada. and just enjoy!
And BTW I think I am coming to your house for dinner and a class... you really know how to enjoy your company and fill up the tummies.
Wow! What a packed day! Have a great vacation!
Busy busy day girl...hope you get a chance to catch your breath..the food looks great!
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