The post below was really made on Wednesday night, but the computer did not know I was in Las Vegas (Lost Wages). Right now it is 5:41 here, but my screen says 8:41. No pictures again, but I took so many in 4 hours today my card is full and I have to go get another one. This morning I woke up at 6 and so did everyone else. By 9 we were off to Silverton to visit the Bass Pro Shop...wanted to get some black Crocks. I am going to have so many pictures to show you... can't wait. Then we went down to the Strip and visited a place called the Venetian. It was unlike anything I have ever seen! I would imagine it took up five acres (that's as big as our farm) and has a little canal winding through it. There are many gondolas that you can ride in for a price, and they actually sing to the passengers (O Solo Mio style). There were an outrageous number of upscale shops thoughout with a big square in the middle. I really wish I could upload my photos. Above all of this was a painted ceiling...bright blue with fluffy clouds. Ironically, a pigeon got into the building and was flying around. Wait until you see all the desserts I photographed. After spending time in "Italia" we drove down the Strip to a place called "Paris." You guessed it....we went to lunch in a French restaurant. What a meal (and I forgot to show it to you). Right now, Steph is at work, Daniela went from dance (hip hop) to soccer practice, Ariana just left with her friend from across the street to go to her soccer practice. Earlier, Steph made the best homemade pizza I have ever eaten....for our dinner tonight. Very thin crust. One with just cheese, one with hot Italian sausage and cheese, one with red and yellow peppers, and one with pineapple and ham. This girl can cook! She always could....and when she lived in New York
...learned even more at a Manhatten restaurant called " Rusty Staub's" (an x pro baseball player). She started out waitressing and ended up managing. What a great experience. Not only that, they had one of the top 10 wine lists in NYC and she really got an education. It's not too often that I just write...
Meanwhile back at the Ranch, Gary and Jenny say that everything is under control. All you animal people out there know how hard it is to leave your dogs and ponies in someone elses charge. By the way, it is about 85 and very fact, if I don't get some new sunglasses tomorrow, I am going to damage my eyes. I guess that is all she wrote.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Ariana, Daniela and I hit the ground at 7:05pm Las Vegas time. Between 6am and noon Ariana had an upset stomach and I began to wonder if this trip was going to take place. We had to leave the farm by 2:30 to get to the Buffalo airport. She took a shower, had some toast and toughed it out. Had a great dinner and am ready to pack it in for the night. Tomorrow I will see if I can figure out how to add some photos. I love the palm trees.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Out to the barn to do the usual...not the greatest weather. Berlin and PC were waiting for breakfast.

Today my class was coming at noon for a luncheon. Just when I got into cleaning and setting things up, Jenny arrived to go riding with the kids! Meltdown number one. How could I do what I had left to do and go out to the barn to in riding Berlin before Ariana got on???
I rode for all of a minute and a half and let her get on. At first I walked along, and then she was on her own. Berlin was wearing a hackamore and my dressage saddle (which suited Ariana).
Jenny got on Target for a few minutes before she put Daniela on. (She was much more comfortable today and did a great job).

All arrived about the same current students and a couple from the past enjoyed catching up. I was barely able to get my clothes on before they walked in the door. Meltdown number three.
Did we have a feast! Ham, potato salad, pineapple au gratin, fruit salad and homemade sourdough bread with honey butter. At 6:30 this morning I was in the kitchen making BBQued
green beans (well worth it). We even had wine!
As if that wasn't enough, we had two spectacular desserts. Unfortunately I did not take the pictures before we cut into them.

This is my friend Brenda... you have seen some of her artwork in the past. She is an extraordinary painter and just happens to love Phoebe and Mademoiselle Gucci. (On the prowl for a scottie pup that will be called "Tootsie Marie." What a great name).
Now for meltdown number four. By 3pm I had to be at the Village Hall for an interview with representatives of the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor. Hurry!!! Hurry!!!! Brockport is one of three communities that are finalists for the Erie Canalway Heritage Award of Excellence. There were four of us there from the Art & Aesthetics Committee, and I think we dazzled them with all the great things going on around here. They couldn't believe it! As I was leaving the building, Gary called and asked me to pick up the girls at Jenny's (one of their Mom's friends stopped by the farm to visit them). Julie and her daughter Cassidy.

Even tho I was out of gas, I had to take a couple of shots of trees on the way home....blooming like crazy!
Even tho I was out of gas, I had to take a couple of shots of trees on the way home....blooming like crazy!
Julie, Ariana, Daniela and Cassidy. This one's for you....Steph.
Meltdown number five came after dinner...the kids were all tired, still had to pack, and the adults were ready for R wing. Jenny and the boys left and eventually things leveled out. We got all the clothes I washed today organized and packed. By this time tomorrow Ariana, Daniela and I will be in Nevada. I do believe I need a vacation. Now how I can keep up with my Journal?
Monday, April 27, 2009
This morning was warm from the get-go. It was bright and not as windy as yesterday, so we hit the mid 80s.
Ariana, Daniela, Gucci and Phoebe went along with me to Apple Creek Farm. This was the beginning of the mowing season and I should be there once a week through November. I started around 10am and within half an hour I saw a huge tractor with a sprayer attached! Just my luck...the people who lease the orchard from Jack and Louise were there to spray the trees.
We all got back in the car and left to avoid the chemicals.
We drove through Wendys and took lunch up to Jenny's. Everyone was gone, so we let Ice and Buster Brown out in the yard with Gucci and Phoebe. That little Gucci can get through the slats in the fence so keeping track of her is a royal pain!

As you can see, she was pretty hot.
We put water out on the back deck to see if there would be any takers.
Phoebe gets all shy and coy around new dogs.
Louise has beautiful gardens.
Back to our farm and the girls were just happy to hang out for awhile.
Gary sat out on the back porch listening to Daniela read a book about the Titanic.
Our swing really gets a workout.
At 4:30 Gary drove the kids down to Jenny's so Bimpa could take them to a baseball game in Rochester.

The birds are out in full force. I will have to see if I can get some good shots. It is difficult with the camera I have.
After I started on dinner, I mowed our lawn. I am pretty mowed out.
The tulips have really been showing their colors over the past two days.
There they go! To the baseball game.....

I was running out of time and still had to set the table, finish dinner and do chores before Randy and Arlene showed.

Got everything together and went out to feed the horses.
This is Target (26 yo Thoroughbred). He was in the " ride" video the other day. It was so nice to see him with Jenny. She took quite a break from riding as she was dealing with breast cancer. Now, she's back in the saddle and our four grandchildren are right there with her. Target was our first foal born on this farm. Both Sire and Dam were race horses.
Now about dinner. First I took some leftover "everything" bagels...sliced them and slow baked at 220 for a couple of hours...what great chips they make! Then I made a spread out of cream cheese and red pepper salsa. Great appetizer (but they make a lot of noise when you are chewing).
While they were in the oven, I sliced up some leftover pork loin (stuffing and all) and put it in a big frying pan. Made some Skoog Farm BBQ sauce from scratch and poured it over the pork. Let it simmer for awhile, then turned it off to let the flavors blend together.

We ended the night with a game of Sequence. Didn't Gary and Randy pound us again! What the heck.
The girls got home from the game and it is now nighty night time. Later.
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