Good Morning....hard frost...bright sun...the outback looked like a place the headless horseman would ride through....
After I put Phoebe and Gucci in the house I went across the street to pick up a dozen eggs. How convenient is that??? Paula raises Corgis, three of whom greeted me.

This bell is outside her porch door. It's a good attention getter when someone is needed in a hurry.

For some reason, the rocks there were interesting to me.
Now that our pool is filled in, we have to decide what we want to plant over there...maybe some fruit trees...or a flower garden. The pool house is now called the Cabin. We have finally started to get things together. It will be a studio/workshop during the warm weather...unless we install a wood stove. Need to take out the filter and pump...doll up the inside...maybe put on a new metal roof.
The dogs kept me company when I made a quick trip down to the bank and grocery store. Got back in time for lunch.
At 1:30 my class started and several of the projects were completed.
Tina finished the 4th side of the wooden box she has been working on. This really looks like DJ.