
Friday, March 14, 2025

Sandra and Val! Thanks for Sending Me Your Weather!!!

Can't complain.  We made it to 68 degrees today.

It was cold when I turned the boys out this morning so I did not take off their sheets until it warmed up.  After Rebel's bad day with big temperature changes......really tuned in

Gary helped with morning chores then headed to Chautauqua to visit Mike and Barb L.
All kinds of things are popping up in the gardens.

I was full of energy after chores and did 3 loads of wash, changed the sheets and went out to the pasture and picked two more wheel barrows of manure.

Of course Little Wonder was with me, investigating the back 40.
Back in the house for lunch and a break.
Back out and finished.  All the pastures have been picked and at the moment they are nice and dry.

Also nice and brown.

I am so surprised that both cats are tolerating each other for nap time.

Seymour has had cancer in his ear for a couple of years.  I had a tumor removed, treated him for months and it has grown back.  Clean it at least once a day, he eats like a pig and still likes to wander around outside, joining me at the barn more often now that the snow is gone (but he is skinny).  Lots of $$$$ have been spent, but I had to give it a shot.  Both cats are going to be 15.

Fed the boys at 7.  Put on some PJs in case it gets too cool tonight.  Tomorrow we should be back in the 60s.  I'm supposed to have a hay delivery around noon and Jenny is coming up to help stack it.  She's always there when we need her.

Night all.



DeniseinVA said...

Good to read you are getting such great weather. Seeing those beautiful horses of yours is such a pleasure. Little Wonder is as cute as a button, as are the kitties. It must be wonderful to be surrounded by all these lovely four-legged petals but a lot of hard work I see and yet a life to be envied. Have a great weekend!

aurora said...

Your four-legged family is well cared for & lucky!

Val Ewing said...

Enjoy the weather! Here in WI it seems to change quite often!

Sandra said...

You are welcome! We were 74 degrees yesterday. Today it's snowing, so who knows what's now coming your way. You are a wonderful caregiving to you four legged family.