We are still in the 30s, which does not motivate me.
After chores I did some work around the house and before lunch, turned on the TV. Whoa! There was a hearing going on and many cabinet members were being questioned about the big "leak" that was made by these p brains. Talk about rookies who are not qualified and have no clue about protocol/security. They looked ridiculous and "could not recall" much. And to think that one of the members sitting in on the call was in Russia, I wonder who was listening. Speaking of tuning in....
this showed up on FB this morning. I googled it and found some information.....
Facebook Protect provides an extra layer of security for accounts the company deems to be high risk. It was initially set up to help elected officials, political candidates, and their staff avoid account hacks that could help spread disinformation. With the increased threat of a Russian cyberattack and the 2022 US midterm elections on the horizon, Facebook has expanded the program to include those with high follower counts, an association with important Pages, or who hold significance in the greater community. (Sometime it's phishing). Google it.
Is this a scam or what? That's what I get for sharing so much political stuff and "big brother' must be keeping track. For now I am cooling it and on April 6th I may be a goner. It's very hard for me not to share what is going on in our country.
Dinner was just what the Doctor ordered. I had seen a recipe for balsamic orange salad dressing so I made some and put it on the salad (romaine, oranges. bananas and a little feta).
Gary grilled burgers and I roasted some potatoes. So much better than French fries.
I was dreading evening chores as I had to clean out the water trough and refill it. It's across the paddock from the barn and we have to use a very long hose. The water heater is over there and I'm hoping we won't need it pretty soon so I can put it back under the shed roof near the hydrant.
There was some decent color in the sky, but with the wind it felt very bitter.
Night all.
It's pretty cold here. I go down to the forest for the trailcams. Otherwise it's tough to get going.
I think this might be a scam. You never know.
I've had to lock down my account privacy settings. We were fighting a gun range out our back 40. I think we won, but our neighbour was trying to read my Facebook page. Nasty man who loves shooting high powered guns.
Sunny today with a high near 50. No wind, at the moment. The only social media I use is this one. I stopped FB and insta a long time ago. That may be a scam.
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