A crispy morning.
My buddies would not let me make the bed.
It was just a little windy and the sun felt pretty good behind the grooming room.
Once again, there was ice on the water trough.
The kitchen was cold and we had a fire going by mid morning.
The temperature did make it to 45 degrees and Gary transplanted an entire row of strawberries over near the garlic. He took them out of the kitchen garden....we will be loaded this year as there are also some in a raised bed. He is also going to try planting blueberries.
Little Wonder and I watched just enough of the March Madness games to find out the final scores. So far, my guesses have been pretty good.
I had some chili in the freezer and did not feel like making a big dinner.
Chores at 7:15.
Rebel and Buddy had the usual amount of mud on their necks and faces. A LOT of hair came off when I used the shedding blade on them.
Night all.
Hello Hanny!
Your own berries, nothing tastes so good as home grown,.
You will have an abundance of produce. Gary is amazing. I gave up my large garden after 2017. It was too much. I would like blueberries..... Those two have become bedtime buddies!
That is an excellent day! Hooray sun!
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