
Monday, August 13, 2018

Slim Pickins...

Not in a picture taking mood....what did I do all day?

 Look who stopped at the farm for a visit.
 Loki of Gordon Road!
 He is making Tina very happy!
What a very sweet boy.
 I can't think of anything I did other than a load of wash.
Well, some organic green bananas that never ripened went back to Wegmans.
And I did have a 10am meeting at the Farmers Museum.
Gary participated in a short parade for Oak Orchard and we met 
afterward to have a bite at 58 Main.  A lazy day.  And it rained.
Night all.


Nancy J said...

Just the right kind of day to catch up with yourself. Loki, a look of utter happiness there.

Grey Horse Matters said...

It's been raining here for days. So depressing. Loki is just so adorable. Didn't have internet or tv since our big lightening/thunderstorm last Wednesday. Just got it back today. It's good to take a relaxing day, you should have more of them!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my dawg! Is the horsie going to rob a bank?
Lily & Edward