What a gorgeous morning. The house pigeons were flying all over the place.
Seymour and Sidney wanted to hang out on the porch in front of Gary's barn. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Barb was here by 7:30 helping me with chores.
I loved the coolness and went out to pick some veggies. |
Went to the bank, Wegmans and made leek & potato soup when I got home. |
Carol and Topper were coming to dinner so Gar picked some flowers for the table. |
Barb did chores tonight, so I could really relax. Just went out to get the kittens | . | |
Carol caught this picture of them...so sweet. We had a cozy dinner and played Sequence. The guys won (of course). I'm pooped.
Night all.
What stunning pictures! I have been trying for weeks to capture the flight of crows and have failed miserably.
Sounds like a wonderful day and your garden produce looks wonderful.
Looks like the computer thing fixed. I'm so glad! Loving this cooler weather, though you won't get any kayaking in today, I guess.
"Low bridge, everybody down. Low bridge for we're goin' through a town."
Funny, I was singing this yesterday at the top of my very non-musical lungs on the way out to the track.
I absolutely LOVE that first picture!! I would so frame that and hang it on my wall (if I could hang things on it lol)!
The picture of the kittens is adorable too. :)
Your new header is wonderful! I wish I had the opportunity to go kayaking. It's been years, but we just don't have any close-by bodies of water around here.
Is there anything cuter than a basket of kitties? Awww!
Your sunrise photos are gorgeous!
And lucky you to still be getting some lovely produce.
Potato and leek soup? yummy!
Last night our temps were in the low 40's. I love autumn, but I wish it would last more than a few weeks up here. We can expect snow in October. And November feels more like winter than autumn.
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