
Saturday, July 26, 2008


There are several people I have met through this Journal, and they really know how to write.
People like Fe, Rebecca, San and SJ. (not to mention Jon Katz of the Bedlam Farm Journal and Ian Walthew who lives in France and has listed my Journal in the Farm Blogs Link...both are authors).  In fact, there is something special about all my links and I have learned so much about so many places and things.  If I could just squeeze out a little more time, I would really like to give it a shot.  I like writing...just have not taken the time to really get into it.
What should I write about?  Stay tuned...maybe tomorrow.  Actually, if someone would give me a topic, I would love to write about it.  Got any ideas Fe?


CoyoteFe said...

Thank you for the compliment. I like the writing that goes with your photos and art. It's personalopens up the view. You have the best eye, and I have two ideas that could write about:

1. Tell us what it is like to see through your artist eyes. What do you feel?

2. What if that great barn shot in your photos really was rose-colored?

That's my two cents.

Spartacus Jones said...

Thanks, Lori. I'm flatterd (blushing with charmingly boyish modesty)

I think you write because you can't NOT write. For me, it's cheaper than therapy, too.

I'd say write about what you know, what you feel, what it means. Write about what's true and real and compelling to you and don't worry too much about "writing well."
Don't get it "right;" get it written.

"Writing well" is called "editing."

warmest regards,


Ian said...

People often ask 'what should I write about' but the better question is 'what do I want to say; what am I trying to achieve with this story?"

I'm not saying every book needs a message, but the good ones normally have one.

Kind regards,