
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Pot Luck Jam

Dreary, rainy, damp and chilly.  Stephanie was up and on the road by 6:30am.  She arrived in Kansas City at 9:30 tonight.  She is one tough cookie to drive that straight through!

A weather change is on the way.

Too bad the sun did not stay out.
After chores I did some laundry, put clean sheets on the bed and then went to Wegmans.  I put away my old bags (used for groceries) because Steph got us these cloth bags with family photos for Christmas.  They are so cool!

I don't have a clue how this photo showed up on my phone.  Cute dog.

Got the boys tucked in, took a shower and we headed down to a friend's house for a pot luck supper and  jam.  I'd say there were about a dozen of us playing.  Here are a couple sounds.  Many of us have never played together.  Sara had a screen attached to her iPad and could put up the lyrics and chords.  Good time and it felt so good to have a music fix.
Home a little after 10.
Night all and wishing you a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR!



Nancy J said...

Lori and Gary, a Very Happy New Year to you and all the others at Skoog Farm.( All the 4 legged friends) The bags, the music ( Fantastic) and family there, such a wonderful feeling to know drivers arrive safely. XXX

Anonymous said...

Hope it’s a healthy and happy new year for all of you Lori. I love the bags! Kathy

Sandra said...

For a second or two I thought you were going to a potluck featuring jam! The the brain cells clicked in. My kind of music. Happy New Year to the Family Skoog.

Val Ewing said...

I was wondering what kind of jam you were making. Strawberry Peach? Nice to get together and play isn't it?