
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Steamers, Kleenex and Chicken Soup

I feel like crapola!
Night all.


Michelle said...

Get better!

Grey Horse Matters said...

Sleep well, feel better tomorrow.

Martine said...

Ugh your pictures say it all.
Get well soon.

Nancy J said...

April Fool's Day and here you are inside, stuck there with the dreaded malady. Hope the steaming, the soup, and heaps of TLC from any and everyone will turn things round to be lots better tomorrow.

The Cranky said...

I do the steamers too... but if my husband or daughter see me coming toward them with a bowl and towel when they're sick, they run! Harrumph, silly people!

Feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon, Lori. At least you have a cozy infirmary!!

ann @ studiohyde said...

Oh no!!! hope you feel better very soon.

Sharon Creech said...

So sorry you don't feel well, but you do look rather funny and ghostly in the pic . . . xx