This was a gorgeous gorgeous I took the blankets off Buddy and Rebel.
I really appreciate a dry driveway and a good path to the front paddock.
The boys were happy to find some grass here and there.
I made a quick trip to the store and then started working on dinner....cauliflower casserole.
Both cats spent a lot more time outside today and I hope that continues.
Chores at 5:30. Rebel and Buddy sure came through the winter in good rig! Look at those big butts!
Buddy will be 29 soon....
and Rebel will be 28. Such handsome dudes.
I brought them in and put their sheets on as we are supposed to get rain tomorrow. That should knock the snow down a lot more.
Dinner was delicious. Had some leftover chicken from last night.
Night all.
I was a delinquent and did not make any calls today. BUT, I did listen to a Town Hall on the phone with our local congressman. As expected, everyday bombs continue to go off in Washington. I'm glad people are speaking out at Town Hall meetings and would love it if not one R Coup member does not get reelected. I don't know if anything T or M says is the truth anymore,