
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Get Involved in Some Way

Yay!  No wind and 29 degrees!

Chores were done in a jiffy,  Came in, took a shower and Gary and I went down to the library for a meeting with the Sweden Democratic Committee.

4 Candidates (all outstanding) for Monroe County Family Court Judge were there.  They each had an opportunity to speak and answered questions.  I learned a LOT!  Three Town Committees were there and the room was packed.

The new voting machines being used in our state (and 29 others) were demonstrated and they are amazing.  It will take a little getting used to, but so efficient!

Jenny also attended and Gary took us out to lunch when the meeting was over.  If you are not happy with Felon 47 being President, try to get involved at some level.  He needs to know that the majority of us want decency, diplomacy, integrity and about 20 more things.  Use your words.

I had tried to refill the water trough this morning and the hose was too frozen to let the water through so I dragged it to the house and made a mess in the kitchen getting it to thaw. Gary put in a few buckets of water and I filled it when we got back to the farm.
Little Wonder assisted.

Sidney and Seymour barely tolerate each other and this afternoon they were on each side of the kitchen window making a lot of noise. Seymour gets up on the firewood stacked out there and makes a mess on the window every day.

While all my buddies took it easy, I made a big batch of stuffed shells.  What I really needed was a nap.

Chores at 5

Dinner was almost ready when I got back in the house.

And it was delicious.  Lots of leftovers.
As you can see, our hibiscus plants have taken over the kitchen.
Night all.



Val Ewing said...

Hoses are fun in the winter aren't they? I have a 100 ft to drain, but at least I have a hill to do it on!
I don't want The Felon in office either.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lorri, I haven't visited in ages and have missed your blog. I've had a big life change recently to make my life a little simpler. I'm looking forward to keeping up with you again. Happy New Year!

Lori Skoog said...
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Lori Skoog said...

I would love to catch up! Please leave your name.