
Thursday, January 9, 2025

Dinner With Alice

This frigid weather is wearing me down. Felt like -1 all day long and the wind is driving me nuts!

When I get. up each morning I spend some time in a chair with my feet up and my back is against a nice big heating pad.  Wonder gets on my lap and eats raw carrot sticks.  6 little ones.  It's an everyday ritual and we are out the door at 8.

The sun was out so I put some hay near the barn and behind the grooming room.

Gary came out to empty the water buckets and picked up the wheelbarrow just as I finished the stalls.

A little before 11 I looked out at the pasture and there they were!  Buddy and Rebel had their butts to the wind again.  It was so cold, for the third day in a row I put them back in their suites!
They each had a little grain, a big pile of hay and some warm water.

I grabbed a shower and was down at the library for bridge at 1.  When I left around 4 the sun was brilliant.

I turned Buddy and Rebel out and cleaned/reset the stalls.

Nice for them to have a good stretch and a roll before going in for the night.

My Little Wonder went out for morning and evening chores today
I had no time to make dinner, so I offered to treat Gary to a meal at the Churchville Grill.   Then I made a quick call to Alice (my favorite spa pal) and asked if she would like to join us.   She was game so we headed over to pick her up on our way to the Grill.
We all had very good meals and plenty of conversation filled with humor! I sure miss our Spa Days when the weather is like this.  Thank you Alice!!!!!

Home by 7:30 and am in dire need to get out by the fire.
Night all.


Sandra said...

The boys suites are so large they can walk around in them! Dinner looks pretty good to me, it's also good you got to see Alice despite the weather. The fire is inviting.

Anonymous said...

You are all brave to venture out when there is so much snow, I guess the roads might have been ploughed or sanded or have grit. The barn would be so much more cost than outdoors for the boys.