
Thursday, January 16, 2025

A Few More Days Before We Are In Single Digits Day and Night

Today we were in the mid 20s and there were light snow squalls much of the afternoon.

Sid took a snooze on the bed as soon as I made it

It was a relief not to have a lot of wind this morning.

After chores Little Wonder and Seymour got in their snooze time.

That's when I checked out the action on my computer, talked on the phone and was not very productive.

At 12:45 I headed down to Brockport to play bridge at the library.  My partner and I came in 2nd.
Bridge days are always a rush when I get back to the farm.  Started on dinner and then did chores.

Dinner was pretty simple.  Made a frittata, 
home fries..
and English muffins.
I missed my nap today.
Night all.



Val Ewing said...

Looks great! My day was a rush too last night. But I just had leftovers! Chores were at dark:30.
Looks like the cold is coming here tomorrow. Brr Factor.

Sandra said...

We will be staying in the sub-zero cold for a few days. It's to be expected, but I still complain. Your little guys look comfy on the bed, they know how it's done. Frittata or egg bakes are a go-to for me, too.

Barbara Anne said...

I've had a busier than usual week and it was wearying as I have lupus and lupus fatigue is the pits. We still have frozen snow from almost 2 weeks ago and it's even tiring to don hat, coat, gloves, and boots to even check the mail.
Leftovers are the best!
