
Friday, November 7, 2008


On Wednesday we put a load of sawdust in the stalls and it makes such a difference in cleaning.  There is so little waste and I'm sure the horses love it when their bedding is deep.
I tried to drag the outdoor ring this morning and didn't I get stuck again!  With all this sun, I thought it was dry enough...but nooooo.  After chores, went down to Apple Creek Farm to mow for the last time this season.  Today there were many people picking the Ida Reds.  I managed to get three more crates and am set for a loooonnnngggg time.  


photogchic said...

Looks like a lovely day there...this is my favorite time of year as long as the rains stay away.

Lisa & Gerald said...

Hi Lori!
Hope you have a great weekend !
Enjoy it !