
Sunday, October 15, 2023

Horse Pals To The Rescue

Another spritzy day in the 40s.  By this morning, two friends messaged me about boots that might be good for Rebel.  They both suggested Soft Ride and tomorrow Sara (who lives in Kentucky) is sending me two pair to try on my boy!  How sweet is that?  When I went out to the barn this morning I did not know what to expect.  Rebel had no bute for 24 hours and then he only had one gram.  I was very surprised when he walked over to his feeder and looked much better than yesterday morning.  Here they are heading out after breakfast.

Mid morning Finn came up to help with the hay I had thrown down from upstairs.  Now it's all downstairs and I should be good for most of the year.  Makes my life much easier and I appreciate his help so much.

Lunch?  Yum.

This afternoon I watched THE BURIAL on Prime Video and really enjoyed it.  Tommy Lee Jones and Jamie Fox.  It was based on a true story.....check it out.
Evening chores at 6pm.  So dark and dreary.

Knock on wood.  Rebel was still looking fairly good.

  Fingers crossed that this continues.  He even kept his boot on.
Back in the house for leftover sauce on pasta.
Many thanks to all who have been concerned about Rebel...and very special thanks to my most knowledgable horse bud, Andrea.  She is always there when I have needed her.
Night all.
One more hour until the Bill's game.


Val Ewing said...

Nice! Boots for equine have come a long way since I first saw them.

Hopefully Rebel mends. Are you going to include supplements?

Sandra said...

It's fantastic that your friend is sending you boots. Rebel will never want to stop wearing them! Yum is right, lunch looks good. We had pasta last night, too.

Terry said...

Make sure you tell your farrier that Rebel has thin soles, and don’t let him take any sole off when he trims. File only!

Lori Skoog said...

Terry....I totally agree and will speak to the farrier. She is new and has only trimmed him once (after he started showing signs of an abscess).