
Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Alice and Buddy

 What a gorgeous day.  Sunny with a cool start and up to 75 degrees.

The boys don't have all that much grass in the pastures now and are going for some hay when they are turned out after breakfast.

The Spectrum situation is very interesting.  I have service during the day and nothing from 11pm to about 9am.  I ended up calling Alice on my cell phone to see if she was coming today.  She arrived around 10:30 and as soon as Buddy saw her he started walking over.  I love the fact that he and Rebel know what spa day is.  Mutual admiration.

I could see that Rebel was not quite as comfortable on the cement floor.  Outside, he looks pretty good.  As per usual, Buddy was first up for his "massage."
Rebel waited patiently.

Alice has come a long way in terms of comfort with the horses and her relationship with them means a lot.  Obviously, they love her visits.
Buddy was much more relaxed today compared to two weeks ago.
Then it was Rebel's turn.

He is cooperative 100% of the time.
I was able to clean all 4 of his problem picking them up and then I put on some hoof dressing.  Buddy had the treatment too.

As soon as we were finished they went back to their hay.

As we were leaving, Buddy left the hay and went over to say goodbye to Alice.  How sweet was that???

I treated Alice to lunch and it was so relaxing.  There we were, at the Diner in our barn clothes.
When I got back home I started on two things.
Green tomato relish....

and a kielbasa/northern bean soup.

(these are the only tomatoes we have left)
The relish made the house smell so good.
And the soup.   OOOOOO la la.
Evening chores at 6.  It was still so nice and light!

This soup recipe is a keeper!  So good.
Night all.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

The soup looks good! This must make Alice feel happy. Buddy likes her. We had rain yesterday, could and more rain this evening and tomorrow. We have needed it.