
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Not There Yet

Will I ever get used to my new schedule?
This was one ugmo morning.
Grey and in the high 40s.

 After chores I picked some apples for the girls.  They are not pretty on the outside, but perfect on the inside....and delicious.  Time to make some organic applesauce.

 Also picked cucumbers
 and some leeks.
Potato/leek/cheese soup for dinner.

 At 9:30 Gary called and had orders to tell me that Java was serving apple cider chicken salad today.  So of course I called Sally and we met there for lunch.
One of my favorites.
Did a little door to door after lunch and then went back to the farm.

 When we signed on for this Exhibition, I had no idea I was running for Town Board.
The good news, we have it set up for the opening Sunday night and hopefully we will get a crowd.

The soup was delish.  Everything on my plate (even the bread) was organic.  Leeks, potatoes, carrots,red peppers, cucumbers, onions, beets, tomatoes and chives all came from our gardens.
 I just had to go check on the girls, even tho Karen was doing chores.
 So used to being with them morning and night.

That's it.
Night all.


Stephen Andrew said...

I'm so jealous of all those cukes! They've disappeared from the farmers market. How am I supposed to make my cucumber g&ts?!
Hope you adjust to your new schedule soon. I've been up an hour earlier every day this week and feel like I've been hit by a bus. Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

We're having the same weather here in Virginia (and it's not going away) and your dinner is absolutely perfect for this kind of weather! Stay warm, and dry too!! :-)

Oak Creek Ranch said...

With the shorter days, I'm not able to help Brett in the morning with chores anymore and I hate it. I miss being with the horses in the morning and evening. It is almost 7:00 before it gets light and that's when I have to leave.

Val Ewing said...

Later and later the sun rises...thus comes the fall season. Time for the chill in the air and our schedules to adapt.
Last night we went to sleep just after dark! And that was very early!