So what went on at Skoog Farm today? Here we go.......
Not too bad this morning.
Got in my groove and all the ponies were fed and turned out in no time.
The temperature was pretty low, but the sun helped a lot.
Sidney was the only cat to show himself at the barn.
Finished cleaning stalls and headed back to the house around 9:30....
Jenny called and wondered if Finn could be dropped off while the rest of the crew went to a big sledding/tubing park. He had a cold and did not want to go.
He and Grampa played Sequence (Finn won) and worked on Math skills. He is a master at that....
Gucci would not leave him alone.
I had to run down to Wegmans (no milk) and look who was in the car next to me. It looked just like Sophie!
But it was Rufus! Do you know Sophie? Check my links.....
Had lunch, took a shower and class started.
Tina was closing in on her papier mache clock. All of her petals were was the middle piece.
Now she has to make lots of those little thingies to go around the center.
Mel finished his Buck and has started on a bird.
Sandy had done a lot of work on her pencil drawing of the three horses.
By the end of class it was finished.
Tina spent a little time on her pastel drawing of Sandman. She is doing it on "sandpaper" and blending colors can be very frustrating. Today she was able to solve some shading problems and it will end up being beautiful.
As per usual, Gucci and Phoebe were anxiously awaiting their treats.
No sooner were they finished
when Sandy gave them another one.
By 4pm, the sun had started to melt some of the snow.
Funny how that works when it's only about 15 degrees.
Barb had chore duty...I stayed close to the fire and had the distinct duty of worming all the cats....round 2.
Dinner....leftover meatloaf, Gary wanted noodles ( I only had spags), and I made the same salad we had last night. A no brainer.
Last night I wanted to watch "Harry's Law" and fell asleep. Let's see if I can stay awake for "The Good Wife" which is on at 10.
Night all.
great new banner shot!
Congratulations on your three years of posts--WOW! And all those 'hits.' All good. And thanks for taking us to art class, too!
Congratulations on your Journal's third anniversary.
Not missed a single day is quite a record. I look forward to many more.
That is a great picture of Sid....I agree, he likes to pose!
Congratulations on not missing a post in 3 years! Awesome!
Looks like you have a pretty nice "corner of the world". Impress how many people have "dropped by".
Lori, that is amazing! 3 years and never missed a post? Wow! I am impressed. Congratulations on a wonderful journal and for sharing it with all of us :)
Love your new counter and header, it is so sweet!I also have evenings where "as long as the tummy is full it's OK dinners!" Rufus looks so much like Jim's Sophie!
Three years, eh?! Wow! That's a lot.
Congrats. Can't wait to see what the next three years have to say!
Dinner, even with leftover meatloaf, looked great! Yum!
Congratulations on your third year blogging anniversary. That's quite an accomplishment.
Lori...Gucci is one smart puppy letting Finn be the snugglee. Dogs know exactly what to do when a human doesn't feel very good. AND the piece de resistance RUFUS...I emailed my thanks...lovely shot of another Labradoodle...mwah mwah! Your family is so artistic...amazing to view. Pastel on sandpaper very unusual liking it! PS give a little scratch to Sidney for being photogenic...Cheers!
Happy 3 years blogging!!
I so enjoy your blog! Thank You for sharing so many great things as well as putting so many people in touch with each other. The blogger community truly is a great place to meet, share ideas, and just see how ohter people live thier great lives.
Though I've read every post, three years still boggles my mind! Congratulations!
Hope that Rufus will get in touch with Sophie. They would surely be kindred spirits.
Three years and you haven't missed a day? That's remarkable! Harry's Law was really good this week. That show is fast developing into one of my favorites. I'm even skipping Castle for it!
Congratz on 3 years of blogging! It is a labor of love.
Well done Lori. I always enjoy your blog. It's consistently reliable. Thanks. Mike.
I watched the Good Wife, too. I really like that show. I like Harry's Law, but started watching Hawaii Five-O before it starting airing.
Things look a bit Spring-y around your place. Must be nice to see a little green grass...even if our snow was gone it would all be brown. Ready for summer!!
Congrats. Another busy day on Skoog farm. I hope you made it through "The Good Wife", I did, and enjoyed it. I always watch the reruns of "Harry's Law" on the weekend because I'm watching "Castle" and miss it on Mondays. :)
I've gotten interested in Harry's Law too. I was awake for it. But last night I fell asleep during The Good Wife.
Your students really put out some very nice work! Love all of the art! Congratulations on your milestone. 3 years!
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