
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Spa Day Number ??????

A real beauty.  Bright, but only about 70.

After turning the boys out and finishing chores I started mowing the lawn.  As expected, the forget-me-nots were going crazy.
I was half done when Janet and Alice arrived. Too busy talking to take a video of the boys walking in for their grooming day.  Much better than last week.
Alice and I have not seen Janet for many months.  So glad she could join us.

Of course Little Wonder loved seeing Janet as she was his BFF for over a year.

There was a lot of horse talk going on.  So nice to spend the morning with these two.
Eventually I finished mowing the lawn and then went on to
mow the outdoor arena.  It's almost totally filled in with grass....the best it has ever been.

Dinner at 6.  Couldn't help it...we needed a pasta fix.

Chores at 7:15.  Still gorgeous out there.

Night all.



Sandra said...

Everything looks absolutely beautiful! I'm overwhelmed by the mess my gardens are. I need a Gary!! We had the same dinner as you.

Val Ewing said...

Nice that you have them coming over for a spa day. I rarely get anyone interested in brushing out our critters. I take that back,...2 little girls said they would but I have to arrange for them to be here for that which includes a lot of driving and supervision.
