Fortunately, it was a cool morning.
Rebel was soreish but still moving around.
I finished chores just in time, as Jenny, Coop and Finn arrived.....followed by Dave and 150 bales of hay. Getting through the gate was a challenge and the wagon hit the corner of the porch roof. Dave had to back up and slide over. He did a great job without destroying it..
After that, he threw off all those bales....
Jenny, Coop and Finn carried them into the barn and Gary stacked. I had prepared the space with pallets yesterday and just supervised today after locking the horses out of the area.
Buddy watched from the run in.
The hay is second cutting grass and it is gorgeous.
Everything was done in about 50 minutes.
Before leaving the barn Jenny and all the boys attempted to do chin ups on an iron bar.
Mr. Finesse got the truck and hay wagon out of the front paddock with no destruction.
A very fine crew....and they will come back one more time....maybe two....when I get the last of the hay. At least that will be 40 bales at a time on a truck. I really like having a years worth in the barn.
We checked to see if Cooper is as tall as Finn now. Not quite.
Jenny is one strong cookie and finds jobs like this to be a piece of cake.
It was starting to get hot by the time we were finished.
Little Wonder snoozed this afternoon while I caught some of the olympics.
Dinner was minimal. I made Mac and cheese with caramelized onions and fresh tomatoes from our garden.
Got the boys tucked in and took off Rebel's boot. Tomorrow is Spa Day and I will soak his foot while he is getting groomed. I'm sure he liked going naked.
Night all.
It is nice having hay helpers! I have to get my hay order in and delivered in August too. Our bales are 1500 lb square bales that have to be stacked with a skid steer.
We used to have to go get hay with our truck but those days are done.
Have fun at the spa day!
Jenny is FIT! I've had one load of hay so far. August and September it will start rolling in. It's been so awfully humid.
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