
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Treading Water....

Yesterday we were in the high 30s and it started melting.  Last night, close to the single digits so now everything is covered with ice....especially the driveway.  Fortunately we threw old hay in part of the paddock so there is some texture there for the horses.

When we got back in the house I went straight to the stove and started preparing macaroni salad as we were going to have dinner at lunch time and a cup of soup at dinner time.

While that was going on I made a bowl of rice pudding....the old fashioned Swedish style.

I had to use up a couple burgers that were defrosted, so we had them with a little cheese, caramelized onions topped with sweet and hot banana peppers.
Of course after you eat lunch and have a fire going.....and you sit turns into nap time.
Little Wonder and I did nothing.

The sun actually came out part of the day, but I did not feel like going outside and sliding around on the ice.   Instead, I kept taking pictures of my buddy.
Gary is off with Al to watch Cooper's basketball game and I am going to watch it on my computer.
Night all.

1 comment:

Val Ewing said...

Love my YakTraks which help on ice, but I don't recommend just playing on ice for fun!

We are way below zero this morning and will have some snow I hope tomorrow!