I woke up a little after 6 to a pink sky in the East and the moon to the West.

The pups and I went out to the barn around 7:30. By then the sky was bright and I took a couple flower shots.

Look who was waiting....surprise...

Barb arrived by 8 and the horses were through eating their grain.

I decided to put Dream in the same pasture as King Mustafa for a few minutes.

Barb watched them while I let the other horses out.
Both were pretty quiet and went for the hay.

They make quite a pair.

When the rest were in the paddock eating, Dream wanted to be with them...so I let her out of the pasture.

The pups spent part of the time in the back yard...it's too hard to keep track of them when I am cleaning stalls.

Got everything together for the show...took a shower and got down to the library a little after 11.
(Above, you saw what happened there).
When I got home, I moved the horse's water trough under the shed roof and mulched the front paddock.
We had leftover Scallopine for dinner and then I went out to do chores around 7.

I had let King Mustafa into another pasture (he had 2) and put the rest of the horses in the big pasture (around 3).
Gary started painting the picket fences. They have really needed it and will look great. The house needs work too, but there is no way he can go on a ladder.

Put the ponies in around 7:40 and headed back to the house.

Back to the warm colored skies.

You can't imagine how tired I am. No plans for tomorrow.

Just have to post the art show and I think I will crash for many hours. Night all.
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