This morning an award was bestowed on me from East Africa! A big thank you to Lynda at Food, Fun and Farm Life. Those of you who are hooked as I am, have learned so much from other people and their cultures... really like the personal point of view. Ironically, I feel like I really know some of you, and hope the day will come when we can meet. Living on a horse farm has limited my opportunity for travel, but believe me, I have seen so much of this world since I started doing this last February.
I have been asked to pass on this award...and here are the rules:
Put the logo on your blog
Add a link to the person who awarded you
Nominate 10 (or whatever number you choose) other blogs for this award
Add links to those blogs
Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs
Give a reason why you consider their blogs cool
I am going to pass this "Butterfly Award" along to the following blogs (all are in my links):
Fe at COYOTE ROAD who truly has a cool blog. She can write, is tuned in, hip and compassionate. You will never be disappointed.
Virginia at TEACHINGS OF THE HORSE. She puts out some very informative and warm posts.
I can just feel her energy as she goes through her day to day challenges.
Rebecca at JUST A THOUGHT. Here is another writer that can move you to tears. She knows of what she writes, and she writes about many, many subjects.
EQUINE MINE, who posts a quote that I love..."Show me your horse and I will tell you who you are." She gets it, and takes us along while she works with her horse Maddy.
THE BARB WIRE has some of the most dramatic horse photography I have seen...worth a look, not to mention a good read.
Esther at ISHTAR NEWS can take you to places you've never seen. How many Swedes live in Niger? Her work with the Eden Foundation makes a big difference to the human race.
Hi Lori, I had internet problems earlier today when I was trying to comment on your sunrise post & to tell you that I had awarded this to you, so glad you have seen it already ! I read you every day, infact I see your posts as you post them throughout the day in my blog 'follower' so am always up-to-date but don't always have time to comment as you know how busy things get at this time of the year ! Just wanted to let you know that I value your blog friendship & hope too, that one day, somehow we will meet in person !
Aww, Lori, a ((big, big hug)) and a big, big thank you! I will post this on my sidebar forthwith and later this week I will follow up with a post to nominate those I'd like to pay this forward to.
One of the best gifts I have received is the wonderful friendship of blogger friends like yourself that I've come to know. It was an unexpected byproduct of this endeavor and the most rewarding one.
Thank you again, dear friend,
Lori - Thank you so much for the cool award! I'm so glad that we've become blogging buddies and I look forward to seeing many more beautiful sunrise photos and learning more about your farm and your animals.
Big cyber hug to you, my friend!
Lori, such a delightful award! And you are most deserving. Congratulations. And you have passed it on to some worthy recipients.
Thank you for the award! You are the sweetest! I can never decide whether it is more fun to blog, or to read the blogs of others like yours! Hmm - Must think how to pay this forward ...
Hey, thanks Lori!! This totally made my week -- and my apologies for the slow response -- it was an awfully busy week arount here. Thanks so much. :-)
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