
Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Skies are Changing

Loving these crispy mornings.  I even wore a hat today.

Does anyone out there know what these green things are?  They are called Paw Paws and were grown here in Brockport at a friends home.  I tried one today and they are very different from anything I have ever tasted.
We alternated between sprinkles and sunshine much of the day.  I did laundry, changed sheets and set up the sleigh bedroom for guests who will be coming here on Monday.  Other than that I was not very productive.
We had leftovers for dinner.
Chores at 6:30.

The sky was gorgeous in all directions.

It was the most dramatic to the North.

Got the boys tucked in and will continue to take it easy.  Tomorrow I am going to wash all the plexiglass windows that go in the barn and hopefully Gary will install them.  I still have many options for letting in fresh air through the doors in their run-in.  Their coats are getting a little thicker now and we may get down in the mid 30s at night in the next few days.

Night all.
I am really worried about my friends in Florida, and especially my pals with horses and a donkey on the Gulf side.  Our Granddaughter is on the East side and her college will be closed for the next few days.  30,000 students!  I would not be able to live in the hurricane states...would always be worried about my animals.



Val Ewing said...

I saw a few FB posts about some folks in more northern states offering places to house those with horses and other animals that need pasture. I don't know how simple it would be to make that long trip.
I am quite frightened by this storm and I live far away.
On another note, my gals have really gotten some luxurious winter coats going on.
I hope all of your friends will find safe haven.

Sandra said...

I looked paw paw up. It says they are sweet and custard-like. Eaten raw, can be cooked and used in ice cream. The ice cream sounds good to me. The sky scenes are gorgeous. We haven't put the windows in the barn yet. Mark is too busy right now and I am useless right now. You say the rest of your day was unproductive. I say for me, that is very productive!