
Saturday, October 29, 2022

I Voted....

30 degrees this morning and more frost followed by sunshine and a warm up to 60 degrees. 

After chores I grabbed a quick shower and went down to the Community Center for early voting.  I was very impressed by the turnout.
Checked out the new Senior addition.  Beautiful and I loved the light!!!
More blossoms are appearing....this is the second in the past three days.
Early afternoon I created a new flag to go on my trike and went for a ride down LaDue Road.

Perfect weather.  The road was recently paved and it was smooth sailing.
Stopped to talk to a neighbor and finally got back to the farm.

Checked my computer and little buddy kept me company.
Eventually I got up the energy to start mulching the gazillion leaves in our yard.  Saved us a LOT of raking.

Time for a simple dinner.

At chore time, The Rebel was glowing in the evening sun.

Got the boys tucked in and finished prepping dinner.

Night all.

In this crazy political world, I listened to Obama as he spoke in Wisconsin tonight. So refreshing to hear someone with a brain, who wants good things for our country.  The key to going in the right direction all depends on getting out the vote.



Anonymous said...

Always admired President Obama and his wife. We will be going to Sweden Recreation Center to vote next week. Will have to take a peek at the new senior room. Kathy

Sandra said...

We go to the polling place on Election Day. It's never busy so we are in and out quickly. I'm trying not to feel dread about the possible results and that is not easy.

Rebel is simply glowing! Nothing beats a delicious pasta meal.