
Sunday, February 23, 2025

A Little Uke Time

I was very happy to have the temperature above freezing.

It made it a lot easier to get the water trough filled up.  So glad I cleaned it out last night and there was no ice to mess with.

A friend of mine expressed an interest in learning how to play the baritone uke.  She used to play the tenor guitar and has done nothing for 45 years.  It takes awhile to get your fingers working again and we had a good time getting started.  Sent her home with one of my ukes so she can practice.
After she left I did nothing until chore the fire again.  It was dull, but still very light when I went out to tuck the boys in.

Seymour went out with us again.

Earlier I attempted to make some gingerbread cupcakes.

We were due for a vegetarian dinner so I made BIG salads and topped them with leftover macaroni salad, feta cheese and homemade balsamic dressing.  So good.

Night all.

Have you seen any clips of the Town Hall meetings going on?  Those attending are definately not happy.



Sandra said...

I haven't seen the clips but I've heard about them. People are not happy. All of a sudden our weather went from subzero to springtime war. In February. Yesterday was 50 F and today could hit 60. Weather whiplash!

Val Ewing said...

I saw them, the people were asking pointed questions and didn't take kindly to the evasive answers.
I think the Republicans are getting afraid of town meetings now and may not wish to do them.
Nearly 50 here right now!