Talk about the pause that refreshes! This morning was a very welcome change....quiet and 31 degrees.
While the horses were in during our crazy weather, the water trough was turned off and I thought it was frozen solid. Janet and I attacked it with a couple of claw hammers and hope to have it emptied out by tomorrow when it may hit 50 degrees.
After chores Little Wonder and I went out to rake the indoor as Janet was having a lesson today.
My friend Barb and I went out for our annual lunch and when I got back to the farm checked in on Janet's lesson.
Her saddle seemed to fit Ronin much better and he was a very good boy.
The sunset tonight was pretty amazing and it has been a very long time since I could take photos from our own yard.
Got the ponies tucked in....
and the sky was still magical on my way back to the house.
Night all.
A magical sky, that fits your photo to a T.
Warmed up nicely here yesterday and headed to the 60 in a few days. Crazy weather. Glad all is well there. LOVE your new header shot!
Our sunset was amazing. The whole house had a warm glow.
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