
Saturday, October 17, 2015

The Dinner

When I got to the New York Room it was just 6pm and all kinds of people had arrived.
(All the preparation was done in Part I, which is in the post below). 
A very well planned 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner
sponsored by the
Western Monroe Historical Society.

 This is Annie Crane.  She is running for Town Supervisor on our Campaign for Change team.
 Helen and Sara, with Mel in the background.

 Kathy and Mark.
 Jim, Jeanette, Anne and Sara.
 Deanna, wearing a beautiful necklace made by Alicia.
 Kevin and Val.
 On the left, is Mary Rich (Mary Ellen Rich), who is running for Town Board with me....and on the right is a friend....Mary Ellen Rich!  I thought it was about time for them to meet.
 Carl, Mrs. Carl and Hanny.
 Joan and Rich.
 Gary, the MC (who thought he was on Saturday Night Live).
 Town Board Candidate, Lori with Jenny.
 Don (current President) and Alicia (past President) 
Western Monroe Historical Society
"Yesterday and Tomorrow"
 A cast of hundreds....

 Woody, Steve, Kathy and Topper.
 Guest speaker, Charles Cowling.
 Candidates for Change with our husbands.
 A fuzzy picture of the team.
 The host with the most and Jen.
 Messing around!
This was one incredible event!  Well attended, great food, terrific atmosphere, loved the program, good friends and plenty of time for schmoozing.
The committee that worked on this did not miss a trick.
Top shelf.


Nancy J said...

What a wonderful night, the food, the flowers,(everywhere), friends, family, and the podium, a magnificent piece of furniture. Well done to you all, I have high hopes for the future for you all.

Grey Horse Matters said...

Looks like a huge success!