Here is the cart before the horse. I found my dinner photos and they are at the wrong end of the post. I grilled sandwiches....Honey roasted turkey, swiss cheese, roasted red peppers and mustard... and made some (gourmet! ha ha) Campbells tomato soup...added sour cream to make it more interesting. Served with green olives and pickles. Simple and yummy. With the rain, it was a perfect meal...we even got a fire going.
(Speaking of carts, I got a call today from the people who came and looked at it yesterday.... it looks like they have a buyer for me. Yee haw)!

Got up early and went out to the barn. Had a grain delivery....Safe Choice.

Got through the stalls very quickly.

In the 50s by the time the horses went out. Mediocre skies that got worse as the day went on.

Put the dogs in the yard and redraged the outdoor ring and paddocks. I don't know why I bothered, it ended up raining.

Gar was able to paint for a few hours today...he is really making progress.

At 1:30 my class arrived.

The dogs performed for treats from Tina and Sandy.

Donna was here today, and worked on an anniversary card for her daughter and son-in-law. She did it in the style of "Jean."

Sandy continued to work on her pastel drawing...

Tina continued with her snow leopards...

Colm showed up out of the blue! Good to see him back in class. He sketched the whole time.

Mel is working on this very different piece! It is sensational.

He also worked on his watercolor pencil drawing of a deer.

Another Colm drawing that he did at home....

yet another....Marieke, Berlin's Dam.

I had a salad for lunch and was starving. Where the heck did I put those shots of dinner? Oh well.
Out to do chores early as the weather got progressively worse.
With the rain, this is what Abbe looked like. After getting wet, she rolled in the indoor.

They were ready to come in.

I am way ahead tonight...not even 7:30 and I am done! I'm going to find those pictures of dinner.
Night all.
Someone likes pickles, eh? Looks yummy!
Congrats on finding a buyer for the carts. That's great news!
The artwork are all so beautiful. Some real talented students you have there.
I'm loving your new header, too.
ps I'm going to try to catch up. I've been so busy and have missed stopping by here for a visit.
The rain sound effects make me smile :)
Nice place you have there...and great animals! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope to see more of you.
Wow Lori, what beautiful art. Especially the first one by Mel. Like with horses, I learn about art every time I visit your blog. Have a wonderful day. (((Hugs))) Jo
Your dinner looks tasty ... and the artwork is really lovely - some very talented people !
Sun's out today! And, we're in for a stretch of fine weather. No chance for Abbe to get wet and then roll. At least you didn't have to put a sheet on top of that.
The sandwich looks very good! The flowers are beautiful and everything is so green. I have to work so hard at having flowers and green grass here. No snow last winter so it is very dry (and no rain this Spring). My sprinkler has been running since 9am and will go until late tonight. Everything is crunchy! So be thankful for your sprinkles! :) Hope you are enjoying summer. Love the garden shots.
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