The more color the better! As usual, I am out of control....

The aquarium at the Bass Pro Shop in Las Vegas....May 09.

Display at the Red Bird Tea Shop...

Sky shot...

Computer drawing by my five year old grandson...Finn.

Petunias at Sara's Garden Shop....

Hanging basket at Higbie Farm Supplies.

...and here's Higbies.



Fruit cup....

Strawberry plant in our garden.

Tarp over weeds....
Wow! Love the colors!
Great shots!!! The computer drawing and the tea room are my faves..:-)
the aquarium shot is wonderful :)
Wow you did great! So many to chose from!
The tea shop shot is my favorite. Lovely patterns and colors.
That dinner shot looks yummy, too!
So many great shots I don't know where to start. Love the computer art. I see some blooming talent there. :)
Some really great choices, and now I'm hungry after seeing all that food!
A great many colorful images to be sure....I love the lush green of the leaves with the ripe, red strawberry peeking our!
Great photos and dinner looks great...what time? :)
Beautiful colors! Wow! The food is fabulous and I love the hanging basket in front of the red wall!
Like the Red Bird tea shot the best!
Tell the little guy I love his computer drawing!
Hi Lori, I am so late at getting around..I love that tea shot..very colorful! I think your grandson might be an artist! :)
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